Project Management
1. Quality Project Management
Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfil requirements (ISO 9000)
Quality will increase cost, must find optimal level of quality vs cost
Quality Key Activities
· Quality Planning
· Quality Assurance
· Quality Control
Customer Satisfaction - conforms to requirements and fitness of use.
Grade - Classification based on technical characteristics
Precision - Granularity of measurement how fine the outcome can be measured
Accuracy - Correctness; being close to the desired value
Quality Activities Comparison
Quality Planning
Scope - Determines plan for quality defining standards, templates, and procedures
Activities Preparation of the Quality Management Plan
Focus Focus on information on the level of quality and the method of achieving it.
Quality Assurance
Scope – Determine if the project is complying with the organization and project policies and procedures
Activities – Involves conducting regular audits to identify deviations from the quality plan and undertaking corrective and preventative actions.
Focus - Focus is on the process and not the product
Quality Control
Scope Measures specific project results(product) against standards
Activities Involves inspecting and verifying the product, undertaking defect repairs, and measuring whether the quality indicators are improving
Focus Focus on the Product and the Data
Total Quality Management
· Deming Cycle – Plan- Do – Check – Act
· Kaizen ( Change for Better)- continuous improvement
· Kanban
Cost of Quality includes all cost over life of product
I. Cost of Conformance- money spent during project to avoid failure
a. Preventative Cost
i. Cost to prevent errors and produce quality products Ex. (training, documentation, equipment, time to do it right)
b. Appraisal Cost
i. Cost to assure the quality like testing, destructive testing loss and inspection
II. Cost of non-Conformance- is the money spent during and after the project because of failures.
a. Internal failures
i. Occur before the product is released (rework, scrap)
b. External failures
i. Cost incurred after the product is released (Ex. liabilities, warranty, and lost business).
A. Plan Quality Management
a. Input
i. Project Charter
ii. Project Management Plan
iii. Project documents
iv. Enterprise Environmental Factors
v. Organizational Process Assets
b. Tools
i. Expert Judgement
ii. Data Gathering
iii. Decision Making
iv. Data Representation
v. Meetings
vi. Data Analysis
vii. Test and Inspection Planning
c. Output
i. Quality Management Plan
ii. Quality Metrics
iii. Project Management Updates
iv. Project Document Updates
B. Manage Quality
a. Input
i. Project Charter
ii. Project Management Plan
iii. Project documents
iv. Enterprise Environmental Factors
v. Organizational Process Assets
b. Tools
i. Expert Judgement
ii. Data Gathering
iii. Decision Making
iv. Data Representation
v. Design for X
vi. Data Analysis
vii. Audits
viii. Problem Solving
ix. Quality Improvement Methods
c. Output
i. Quality Reports
ii. Test and Evaluation Documents
iii. Change Request
iv. Project Management Updates
v. Project Document Updates
C. Quality Control
a. Input
i. Project Charter
ii. Project Management Plan
iii. Project documents
1. Deliverables
2. Work Performance
3. Approved Change Request
iv. Enterprise Environmental Factors
v. Organizational Process Assets
b. Tools
i. Data Gathering
ii. Data Analysis
iii. Data Representation
iv. Meetings
v. Testing product evaluations
vi. Inspection
Seven Basic Quality Tools
I. Control Charts – determine if process is stable or within acceptable limits
a. Determines upper and lower limits
b. Investigates the data points to see if they are above or below control limit
c. Insure data points are within control limits
d. Identify a run or series of seven data points above or below mean. (occurs less than 1% of time which is cause for concern)
II. Cause and Effect Diagram – called fish bone diagram
a. Used to help organize and structure quality analysis
b. Used to identify a root -cause of a problem based on effect using 5 M’s
i. Machine
ii. Measurement
iii. Methods
iv. Material
v. Man Power
vi. Environment
III. Flow Charting
a. Shows graphical representation how a process or system flows from beginning to end and how the elements interrelate.
IV. Histogram
a. Height of each column represents the relative frequency of the variable
V. Pareto diagram
a. Vertical bar chart that identify a few critical issues from the uncritical many. Based on the 80/20 rule. Eight percent of the problems are caused by 20% of the reasons.
VI. Check Sheets
a. Known as tally sheets are check list used for colleting data
VII. Scatter diagrams
a. Tracks two variables to see if t hey are correlated or have no relationship.
Six Sigma - is a highly disciplined process that focuses on developing and delivering near -perfect products and services consistently,
Six Sigma contains 99.999% of the data